Saturday, March 23, 2013

Pale Moon Combos

For those who don't know yet, I run a Pale Moon deck. I purposely chose this deck because it sounded like the strategy behind it sounded fun and the card art looked awesome. Seriously, I was soooo psyched about how cool they looked when I was playing them for the first time! >o<

Everything was turning out well until recently. I got destroyed by my friend's deck that has cross ride. So I decided to gather my thoughts and write a combo list for myself so I have something to refer to when I'm editing my deck.

Also, this list will be updated from time to time so it's far from being done and not close to the number combos I know on top of my head.

  1. Peek-A-Boo + Trapezist 

    BT07-015EN RR BT07-032EN R

    Result: -1 soul, +1 card advantage
    Set-up: Peek-A-Boo in soul and Trapezist in hand
    - Soul blast 1 to superior call Peek-A-Boo. (+1 temporary card advantage)
    - Call Trapezist and bring Peek-A-Boo to soul to superior call another card. (card advantage now permanent)

  2. Luquier + Peek-A-Boo + Trapezist + Magician of Quantum Mechanics

    BT07-004EN RRR BT07-015EN RR BT07-032EN R BT07-016EN RR

    Result: -1 soul blast, -1 counter blast, +1 card advantage, +9000 to Luquier
    Set-up: Luquier as Vanguard, Peek-A-Boo and Trapezist in soul and Quantum Magician on hand/field
    - Superior call Peek-A-Boo (-1 soul blast, +1 temporary card advantage, +3000 to Luquier)
    - Use Quantum's Magician's effect to superior call Trapezist (-1 counter blast, +3000 to Luquier)
    - Trapezist effect to replace Peek-A-Boo with a different card from soul (card advantage now permanent, +3000 to Luquier)
    Extra: With a +9000 boost to Luquier's attack, having Trapezist boost Luquier will combine to 25000 attack

Thursday, December 20, 2012

CV Card Review: Top Idol, Pacifica

I thought my card reviewing days are over. At least I know for Yugioh it's completely done. Since I have a new found love for Cardfight! Vanguard I can't help but think of these awesome strategies and it made me want to go back to reviewing again.

So for my first to review, I want to review a card that has a lot of uses and I've always been jealous that I can't have her in my own deck. That card is..

After reading this card for the first time, I thought that it was waaaay too good. My girlfriend owns a BT deck and she's very happy to have one of her. I don't blame her, that second effect alone is such a good effect. Well anyway, onto the review.

Top Idol, Pacifica's effects can only be used when she's the Vanguard. Unless you're using a Bermuda Triangle deck that focuses on Reviere, Pacifica has to be your main grade 3 Vanguard since it's a card that goes well in either the mid-game or end-game.

Effect 1
[CONT](VC):During your turn, if the number of «Bermuda Triangle» rear-guards you have is four or more, this unit gets [Power]+3000.

Fulfilling that requirement of having 4 or more rear-guards to gain 3000 boost shouldn't be a problem for BT decks. Cards like Girls' Rock, Rio, Rainbow Light, Carine and grade 0 draw triggers helps BT decks draw more cards than usual. Of course, more cards in the hand means more cards to call on the rear.

With the 3000 boost, Pacifica gets a power of 13000. The perfect cards to boost her are 7000 and higher attack cards. Cards such as Felucca, Myrtoa and Perle boosts Pacifica to a 20000 attacker to have your opponent counter it with at least 21000 worth of guard.

Effect 2
[AUTO](VC):At the beginning of your main phase, Soul Charge (1), draw a card, choose a card from your hand, and put it on the bottom of your deck.

For some reason, I find this effect alone so much worth it to play Pacifica. Besides the effect that it soul charges first, the latter part of the effect lets the player draw a card and choose a card from the hand to go to the bottom of the deck. So what cards would you likely put on the bottom of the deck? The obvious answer here are Grade 3s (considering that you have enough Grade 2s, of course). But what else? I need to review this a bit more in detail.

I find that Pacifica and draw triggers such as Caspi and Bubblin do go hand in hand. Here's why:

Start state: BT player has 0 cards. As a Vanguard, Pacifica attacks. She drive checks twice. First can be any random card like a Grade 1 or 2. And let's say for the second card she checks a draw trigger. This allows the player to draw a card. The player at this time should have 3 cards on the hand.

Pretend the opponent is stupid and doesn't attack. His/her end turns.

Player draws a card for the draw phase and uses Pacifica to draw another card. At this time, the player will have 5 cards to choose from to send to the bottom of the deck. Let's say it's a very good hand without Grade 3s, the player will most likely put the draw trigger back. This allows the user to recycle that draw trigger for future use.

Now let's go back to the start state. If the player doesn't drive check a draw trigger, the player on his/her next turn will only have 4 cards to choose from to return to the deck.

Sure we can always recycle cards like critical, stand or heal triggers. But draw triggers are much better to recycle because it's better to leave 10000 worth of guard on your hand to defend against the opponent and return that 5000 guard draw trigger back to the deck. Besides, that draw trigger made you draw a card, possibly a grade 1 or 2 with a 5000 guard. So it technically replaced that draw trigger. Don't get me wrong though, heal triggers are the number 1 (!!!) card that should be recycled. Heal Triggers are limited to 4 for a reason. But I'm doing a Pacifica review so I'm emphasizing more on draw triggers.

So in a way, draw triggers are really useful in BT decks that center around Pacifica. This is up to the player if he/she wants to have more than 4 draw triggers. Though I would suggest at least 6.

Effect 3
[AUTO](VC/RC):[Soul Blast (8) & Counter Blast (5)] When this unit's attack hits a vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, search your deck up to three «Bermuda Triangle», call them to separate (RC), and shuffle your deck.

This is where that 20000 worth of power that I mentioned earlier is gonna be useful since we will want the attack to go through to use the effect. With that said, it's wise to attack with all of your rear guard units first so the time when Pacifica's effect activates, three rested units can be replaced with new ones.

For those peeps who watch the anime, Yuri Usui of Team Ceasar teaches Aichi about clearly imagining how to win with a deck. Decks that center around Pacifica should think ahead what the best cards to superior call from the deck once Pacifica's effect goes through. The best thing about Pacifica is that her first two effects compliment her last effect. The first effect boosts her to possibly pierce through the opponent's guard. While for the second effect, if the BT deck player has that feeling that he/she can use Pacifica's effect during that turn. The player can send a powerful unit back to the deck.

So what are the best cards to superior call? To make it simple, let's assume that the opponent has a Vanguard with 10000 worth of Power.

The combination of the Pearl Sisters and Aqua will have enough power to add damage or to get rid of units. And if the BT player doesn't end in that turn, both Aqua and Perla can intercept. Another reason why I like this combination is because the Pearl Sisters are best when they're together. Perle's effect gives Perla an effect where if Perla successfully hits a unit, she can activate both her own effect and the effect that Perle gave her. As far as I know, activating two effects at the same time could be done in any order the player would want it to happen. So Perle's given effect can soul charge a card to the soul. This soul charged card can be a cost to Perla's cost for her effect. It works out so nicely like that. =]

In a realistic point of view, Pacifica's third effect will most likely be used during a situation when it's close to the end game when the opponent gets that 5th damage from Pacifica. At this point, it's better to have one unit attack all out with high power. A set up like that should look something like this.

(Note: Blaster Memeshiba is only a fill up card. I needed a 4th rear guard unit so I chose Mameshiba =D). This combination with Blazer Idols, Sedna, and Flute allows Flute to attack with 21000 worth of power. Blazer Idols gives 2000 worth of power to Flute, Flute gets a 3000 boost from her own effect and Sedna's 8000 will boost Flute. With this, the opponent will be forced to put up a defense of 22000 or go defenseless and hope for the best and damage check a heal trigger.

There are other alternatives to what combination of 3 cards to superior call from the deck. One alternative would be a defensive combination with 2 Izumis to have that security of having at least 20000 worth of guard.

Wow, this is probably one of the longest review I've ever done. I really went into detail in this one. I really do think that Pacifica has a lot to offer and future BT cards will only strengthen her.

I might do more of these reviews for Vanguard. Maybe, maybe not. But thanks for reading. =]

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Life Update: The Road to Figuring Things Out

I was thinking from my last blog that I will start with the title CS Career Update for anything that has something to do with my career. I learned that this is completely wrong and I shouldn't just focus on my CS career.. but what I passionately want to do in my life in general. Using the old title forces me to think that I have no other career to do but Computer Science. Well, I don't want that.

After writing my last blog, I tried to seek what I'm passionate about. What stirs my blood for excitement. And so far I'm having an awesome time just seeking what I truly want in life. I finished reading this blog about passion and I'm really looking forward to the exercises that the blog tells me to do. The blog also features a link to Steve Job's video. Its very very inspiring and it's something I have to go back to when I feel like I'm losing my passion.

Here's the blog by John DeVries:

For now, I have many things in my head and I don't want to type it down here just yet. It's better if I focus on one topic one blog at a time for the following days.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

CS Career Update: Main Dilemma

There was this saying about this guy named Socrates and this other guy who wanted to ask Socrates how to gain wisdom. Socrates took the guy's head and drowned him long enough for him to almost get to the point where he could have died from it. The guy says, "What the hell! Why did you do that?" Socrates replies, "if your hunger for wisdom is as as important as how you wanted to breathe than you'll acquire wisdom."

I completely paraphrased that. That saying can be seen online somewhere. It's a really good saying and whenever I hear it, it makes me ask about my own. This computer science career I'm pursuing.. which I invested almost 7 years of. Sadly, I still couldn't find the same hunger as what Socrates wanted to show the guy. I've tried motivating myself. But I don't have the passion to the career as I thought I would have by now.  My current professor for one of my CS courses shared a story where he taught this freshman students who are fresh from high school. He asks the students, "Which one of never wrote a program before?" He was shocked by the number of how many students raised their hands. "I hope none of you are the same!", he said to us. It's so sad that I would actually raise my hand if I was one of those freshmans.

I remember being asked during my senior year of high school by my adviser what I wanted to be. My brain was telling me, "Anything that has something to do with computers." I looked at the list and I saw computer science and thought to myself, "This looks interesting and it might give me a challenge so sure." I chose that one without really having any history or background to it. All I knew is that I'll probably just stay in front of a computer screen when I grow up. So why not do the same thing with my career? Well, hopefully, whoever reads this. Don't do the same thing. Stay in Liberal Arts at least.

After taking the first exam for my first programming class, which was C++, I found myself getting excited about programming. I thought that I was in the right major. It was so fun to analyze how data works inside the computer. It was just so fascinating it's as if it's your first time doing something you really enjoy.

Six years fast forward from that time, all I see in the mirror right now is someone who got caught too busy doing something else besides programming. Maybe I should have went for a career that is more hands on. Being in this career made me realize that hands-on careers might be more type of career. Moving around, making decisions and feeling this good sense of stress that makes you want to do more tasks. CS is so the opposite. CS is about looking a program, find ways how to construct it, finish the program, and find more bugs. The most annoying task is the most latter one. It can get frustrating to find bugs and find ways to solve 'em.

This career has some upsides though. When I do work on a program, it's just like solving a jigsaw puzzle. Boy do I love puzzles! And whenever I finish a program completely, I get this really nice happy feeling inside me. I feel so accomplished and I look forward for more. But that excitement stops there. I don't see myself doing programming outside of school. I try to do it once in a while but the excitement is not the same. I don't know why this happens. I may love programming because it reminds me of solving puzzles.. but the feeling of excitement is not as intense enough to call it my passion.

I just don't know why.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Fun with Photoshop

I forgot how relaxing and fun it is using Photoshop. I was helping my girlfriend with her cosplay card and I gave her an idea of how I envisioned a cool design.

Really quick draft here but I really like the outcome. The images above are cosplay images I saved on my computer because they look great. =]

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rage Comic: NJ vs ME

A rage comic of how I basically felt after taking a vacation in Maine.

This is such a true story! And trust me, I worked in retail and as a receptionist here in NJ and it's sad to know that half of the people you say hi to doesn't respond back. ._.

If you like this comic please give me a thumbs up on this page. =D

Friday, July 13, 2012

Dream Journal: Back to the Philippines

Never in my life did I feel or felt any negative emotions about going back to my homeland. Even the thought of it excites the heck out of me.

Last night, my cousins, my uncle and I were drinking this Filipino beer called Red Horse. I still have yet to actually like a beer. Red Horse was the exception. It tasted good and it was easier to consume. Within our first rounds we talked about a few NBA stories, some jokes, and plans for my cousin's 21st birthday in the Philippines. The latter heavily influenced the dream I had last night.

So onto my dream..

There I was back at home in the Philippines. I saw my sister and I hanging out with our childhood buddies Jan and Aileen. It was just like the good ol' times. Us hanging out in Fiero Street in front of Jan's house just talking about stuff. Suddenly, this lady that I'm supposed to know asked me where my stuff came from. Of course I had to tell her they're from the States. She made a big deal about my cellphone being so high-techy and some of my stuff being imported. Sure they are imported, but my cell is nowhere near a smart phone.

A few moments later, we were still hanging out but this time there were more people than usual in the streets. What's odd about it is that I know every single one of them. We didn't let it bother us and continued whatever we were doing. Jan, however, reacted to how I was acting with the lady earlier. He thought that I was showing off and he caused a scene. Even in my dream, I still remembered the exact same things I said:

"If you know me any better, it's not my style to show-off. I hate that feeling. You know this about me."

I left a few details though. Like Jan being in the ground and a few bugs were crawling to him while this was happening. I have no idea why. Just a dream, folks.

And from there, I helped him up, grabbed a hose and sprayed his body to remove the bugs.

Me: "You feel like shit don't you?"
Jan: "Wow it's been a while since I heard that."
Me: "Yup, shit happens."