Monday, June 25, 2012

Dream Journal 1

I just had the weirdest dream. I was in a high school like setting where Christine and I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. Dorothy shows up and begs to talk to Christine about something. Since Christine was busy talking to Dorothy, I had to help Christine's cosplay friends to travel around the area to take pics with.

So there I was, going around town with Shiro as the driver, I was sitting next to her on the passenger seat, and two other people at my back. All of them were wearing their cosplays already. While traveling around, I told this one girl directly behind me, "Wow, I've been talking to you all this time because I thought you're Christine! I wouldn't talk to you this much if I knew you weren't." Thinking about it, i remember her being really attractive. The girl next to her was really quiet during the ride. Shiro said stuff here and there but she was busy driving.

It got to the point in my dream where the three of them didn't need me anymore and I think Shiro might've asked me where she can drop me off. I remember being around a bridge with heavy traffic and thinking to myself where they can conveniently drop me off. I thought to myself that they can just drop me around a corner somewhere and I can just ask either Christine or Dorothy to pick me up.

I was then awaken by my alarm. Weird stuff.

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